Never Get React Recursion Wrong Again
Recently I came upon an interesting problem. I wanted to create my blog using Notion as the CMS.
Markdown Remark and MDX are great tools for using existing components in markdown files, but Notion has no knowledge of my files.
This created an issue of being unable to use my existing styled-components. So how do I connect my components to the markdown?
This article will be covering how to use recursion alongside a Factory
component to convert a tree of data into React elements.
If you're curious about recursion, component factories, or custom hooks you might find something you can use here. Hopefully! 😃
Breaking down the problem
We'll skip the details of how exactly data gets to the front end. A lot of tree traversal problems follow this pattern so don't get too focused on the way my particular structure may differ from yours.
That being said let's look at the structure that became my muse.
"type": "root",
"children": [
"type": "element",
"tagName": "p",
"properties": {},
"children": [
"type": "text",
"value": "Recently I came upon an interesting problem. I wanted to create my blog using "
"type": "element",
"tagName": "a",
"properties": {
"href": "https://www.notion.so/product"
"children": [
"type": "text",
"value": "Notion"
"type": "text",
"value": " as the CMS."
The goal was to take this structure, traverse it, and have each node rendered as a React element with proper nesting of its children. Let's break down the problem into each of its components.
A tree of nodes with the following properties:
- a string declaring the type of nodechildren
- an array of nodestagName
- a string representing the HTML tag of the elementproperties
- an object of HTML attributes related to the elementvalue
- a string of text to be rendered
Problem description
Given a tree of nodes, return React elements with the same hierarchy.
React elements with attributes appropriate to the HTML tag and children correctly allocated in parent elements.
Examining the solution
To solve the problem I ended up using two pieces a Factory
component and useNotionElement
custom hook.
The final solution manages to create the needed product in one pass.
Giving us O(n) memory efficiency and time complexity, because we visit each node once and only once.
Based on the factory pattern, the Factory
component is mostly what it sounds like. It pumps out components depending on the input.
It accepts the blocks
prop—a single node of our tree.
const Factory = ({ blocks }) => {
const element = useNotionElement(blocks);
const { value, children, tagName } = element;
// Delete properties that shouldn't be spread into element as attributes
delete element.tagName;
delete element.type;
delete element.value;
switch (tagName) {
case "h2":
return <PrimaryHeading {...element} />;
case "root":
return <>{children}</>;
return "";
In the first few lines, we assign the element
variable to hold the result of useNotionElement
and destructure some properties for later use.
Then we delete any property that isn't valid attributes on HTML elements.
Finally, the switch statement decides which component to render based on tagName
and we spread the element to the component.
The Factory
component produces an element for every node—any unsupported or unaccounted cases are handled by producing an empty string.
Handling data with a custom hook
houses logic used to manipulate the data as needed. Such as adding href
attributes to link elements.
Its input is the node that was passed into the Factory
component's block
Note that we are still working within that components closure!
It returns the processed element-to-be data as an object.
This hook allows us to maintain separation of concerns and helps by allowing us to be more declarative, making it easy to add data-altering functions—like handleProperties
--in the future.
const useNotionElement = blocks => {
let children;
if (blocks.type !== "text") {
children = generateChildren(blocks);
const tagName = getTag(blocks);
const properties = handleProperties(blocks);
return {
...blocks, // spread all existing block properties
...properties, // spread updated properties
tagName, // overwrite existing blocks.tagName
children // overwrite existing blocks.children
Our focus is how this hook is a part of a recursive solution!
How is exactly is recursion working here?
The generateChildren
function is where the magic happens! A single, but powerful line of code.
So we've looked at the code, now let's follow the data. Here's how it works!
To begin with, the data we source from Notion is given to the Factory
component through the blocks
Upon arriving inside Factory
we give blocks
immediately to useNotionElement
where we hit an if
The condition blocks.type !== "text"
makes sure we only perform the next bit of work on nodes we know have a children
When we find children
we call generateChildren
which will give each child into a new Factory
Here the process begins again so let's pause and take in what that means.
At this point of the code, the current node we're working on isn't even close to becoming a React element yet. Our useNotionElement
function hasn't even finished yet!
This algorithm digs deeper into our tree before completing work on a given node.
Meaning that the lower-level (deeply nested) nodes will be processed first.
As long as our node has a children
property the first child children[0]
will be passed to Factory
and recursion continues.
The recursion stops when we reach a node with a type
of text. Which we know does not have children—a leaf node.
Let's say blocks.children
only has one element—a text node. Calling generateChildren(blocks)
will return an array containing a React fragment with that text node's value
This newly assigned children
variable will eventually be spread as {...element}
in Factory
thus wrapping it within the appropriate parent element as work our way back up the tree.
Whew! That was a lot. Please feel free to take a break I'll wait up.
Wrapping up
Now that we've seen how it all works, let's do a quick recap.
First, we broke the problem down based on what was available and what we wanted:
- Input
- Problem description
- Desired output
After that, we implemented some known patterns to help us organize and accomplish our mission.
Then, we dug into recursion and figured out exactly how it applied to our solution and end product.
One thing you may have noticed was the lack of an explicit base case for recursion. In this scenario, we were working with an implied base case—when a node is known to not have a children
property, skip it.
Again, remember that none of this was exactly necessary. Using local markdown files and MDX would have been a very quick and easy solution.
My curiosity got the better of me and I dug into something I thought would be fun, so I figured I'd give this go.
Thanks for reading! 🙂
Hope this was able to help you in some way.